Q. Are you ASHI certified?
A. As a Home Inspector in Arizona we are required to complete training classes and pass the State test. The State has adopted the ASHI standards as their requirements. I am a Certified Home Inspector in the State of Arizona and have passed the ASHI standards State adopted test. More important is: What experience do you have and what are your credentials? I have been in the construction industry for 30+ years here in Arizona and have been doing Home Inspections for 19 years. 


Q. What do you Inspect?
A. As a Certified Home Inspector I have an 11 page check list that covers all of the State required components of the building. I inspect all major components of a building. This is not a technically exhaustive or a code inspection. I will point out current codes where safety issues are concerned.

Click Here   to view the Inspection Agreement and Standards of Practice to see what is and is not Inspected 


Q. What are your fees?
A. See the fee page.

Q. Do you inspect pools?
A. Yes. They should have water in them and the pool equipment should be working.

Q. Do you climb on the roof?
A. Yes, if the roof is not too high or too steep. Some roofs are too fragile to walk on and will not be accessed. I will view any roof I can't climb on from the sides with a ladder, through windows and with binoculars where accessible.